
Don't you are looking for MythicLibreforge Wiki?

  • MythicChanger Wiki has been moved to here.

  • MythicPrefixes Wiki has been moved to here.

  • EnchantmentSlots Wiki has been moved to here.

  • For now this wiki page only store MythicLibreforge Wiki.


  • This plugin is a addon plugin for libreforge.

  • Add more effects, triggers, filters, conditions and even effect args to libreforge same as the original one did! No other things changed.

  • Your deals? Your ideals will become true. We are happy to add more things for this plugin.


  • Effect: auto_plant

  • Effect: cast_mythic_skill (Require MythicMobs)

  • Effect: add_mmo_stat (Require MythicLib)

  • Effect: open_enchanting

  • Effect: open_anvil (Require Paper)

  • Effect: open_disposal

  • Effect: quick_equip

  • Trigger: highest_attack (Private use, not recommend use it)

  • Trigger: smelt_result (Different smelt triggier provided by libreforge itself, MythicLibreforge's smelt_result is triggered after player pickup the result item, so player won't have to always open furance GUI)

  • Filter: only_on_fire

  • Filter: at_location

  • Filter: is_crit

  • Filter: has_enchantment

  • Condition: in_combat

  • Effect Arg: damage_item

Which plugins can be used:

  • EcoEnchants

  • EcoJobs

  • EcoSkills

  • EcoPets

  • EcoMenus

  • EcoQuests

  • EcoBosses

  • EcoArmor

  • Boosters

  • Talimans

  • Reforges

  • Actions

  • StatTracks

  • EcoShop

Last updated